Punjab Wildlife & Parks Department

Our Blog

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Spotlight on Endangered Species: Protecting Punjab’s Wildlife Icons

Punjab, a region rich in culture and history, is also home to a diverse array of wildlife that has evolved alongside its landscapes for centuries. However, with growing urbanization and environmental changes, many of these iconic species are now facing the threat of extinction. In this article, we shine a spotlight on some of Punjab’s...

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22 Oct

Giraffes are near us in our Zoo

To celebrate the 40th birthday of beloved cartoon cat Garfield, who lives in not-so-perfect harmony with dog Odie and human Jon, we are dedicating this blog entry to the curious cohabitations and fascinating friendships that have arisen over the years among animals at Zoo Berlin.

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22 Oct

Happy birthday, Hertha!

To celebrate the 40th birthday of beloved cartoon cat Garfield, who lives in not-so-perfect harmony with dog Odie and human Jon, we are dedicating this blog entry to the curious cohabitations and fascinating friendships that have arisen over the years among animals at Zoo Berlin.

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22 Oct

For she’s a jolly good fellow!

To celebrate the 40th birthday of beloved cartoon cat Garfield, who lives in not-so-perfect harmony with dog Odie and human Jon, we are dedicating this blog entry to the curious cohabitations and fascinating friendships that have arisen over the years among animals at Zoo Berlin.

Featured Image
22 Oct

Animal friendships at Zoo Berlin

To celebrate the 40th birthday of beloved cartoon cat Garfield, who lives in not-so-perfect harmony with dog Odie and human Jon, we are dedicating this blog entry to the curious cohabitations and fascinating friendships that have arisen over the years among animals at Zoo Berlin.